Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 55 ~ Witches Night Out

Witches Night Out

Come visit us tonight from 5pm to 8pm 
 Witches Night Out
Wear a witch hat and receive 20% off your clothing and jewelry purchase.

Fun Fact on Witches  

-In the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, nineteen people were killed, because they were accused of Witchcraft.
-Those accused of Witchcraft were tried, if you admitted to being a Witch, your life was spared and you were used in other trials to help determine if the person being tried was in truth a Witch or not.
-If you were accused and pleaded not guilty, you were hung.
-One person was pressed to death in Salem. He would not admit to the fact that he was a Witch, so they piled rocks on his chest until - they hoped - he confessed, but in the end, he did not, and so he died from the weight of the rocks.
-A lot of wealthy people were accused of Witchcraft because when they were found guilty, all their properties belonged to the state, so it was a lot more profitable to accuse a rich woman than a poor woman.
-You were accused of Witchcraft if you spoke French, if you talked to yourself, if you did not go to church or if you did not go to the right church, if you were not married, if you did not respect a man's authority, and so on.
-On June 10th, 1692, Bridget Bishop was the first accused Witch to be hung on Gallows Hill, just outside of Salem.
-Other forms of trial they used - not in Salem - included to push you down a hill, while you were in a barrel, into a lake; if you died, then they were sorry that you were falsely accused, if you did not die, then it was presumed that you were a Witch, therefore they killed you. They could also stick you hand in a fire for a certain amount of time, if you burned, then you were stuck with a burnt hand, but you were not accused. If you did not burn, you were accused of being a Witch, and they killed you.
-The Puritans executed 'Witches' because of paranoia.
-No one knows the exact number of accused "Witches" who died in prison.
-The royal governor Sir William Phelps established the court in Salem to deal with the cases.

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