Monday, March 25, 2013

Hunting for Spring...

*Monday with J, guest post

We play, we create, we explore, we laugh, we love. One of our favorite ways to do so is by heading outdoors. We have a favorite hideaway up the road where nature, and a nod to my roots, lies. This hideaway brings me back to my childhood to share the delight in ‘exploring’ with my babes. 

I spent so much time outside as a child…running the neighborhood ‘field’ with my best friend before the rest of the houses sprouted one-by-one to fill the expanse; exploring Camden State Park – plunging into the ice cold swimming hole and wading through the river just over the rocks, pursuing mud-dwelling creatures; and riding horse with my Mom on the un-groomed trails of southwestern Minnesota – lost in imagination and lulled by the steady rhythm of my horse's gate.  

Although it’s winter here, with no signs of thawing (thanks, March), we take advantage of the days when the sun shines. So, we ride bikes around the ice clusters and we set out on outdoor scavenger hunts.
I’ll call this activity…Hunting for Spring 


Your Babes
Clip board (not necessary, but feels official – check the dollar store)
Treasure bag
Camera – optional

We start out with a clipboard. Clipboards make things feel important and official. Come to think of it, I may start securing my ‘To Do’ list to a clipboard, or my grocery list, and carry it around with me in the store. Spice things up. 

We brainstorm items that we may find on our trek…

We take turns checking off the items we come across, and to take it a step further we snap photos of them for our records. On occasion, we collect a few rocks because, well, you know we love rocks. My babes immerse themselves in adventure while we hike, taking in the sights and sounds of the space that surrounds us. We inadvertently take turns reminding each other of how amazing the nature all around us really is. Children see things through a different lens and I love what they make apparent to me. 

For our recent scavenger hunt they stuffed their backpacks full of the necessities…water bottle, snack, Nerf gun, chapstick, and stuffed lovies. The adjacent neighborhood road felt lengthy that day and they were prepared. 

This particular scavenger hunt will always remain special to me. It was November 10th…in the Upper Midwest…and 69 degrees. Rare weather, to say the least, allowed us to shed our coats and make a pit stop to wade barefoot in the river! Little Lady's face translates the exhilaration perfectly.

Print the photos you snapped during your trek and make a book out of them, with the Scavenger List as your cover page - you’ve got another project!

"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks."   -John Muir


Visit J at 

*I'm J...a now-single mama of two, who hit a big bump in the road, navigating my way down an unexpected new path one day at a time. My babes are my light and my lens to see the best in everything. We play, we create, we explore, we laugh, we love. The laundry is a little backed up, and dinner may be less than impressive, but our hearts are full and we'll sleep well tonight. Grab your munchkins and join us for some fun...this is what we're up to today!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Treasure Tokens

*Guest post by J

There is a hero in my life: an unsung hero, named Sarah. She is my sister and my friend. I have to believe that she dons a cape under her clothing detailed with some sort of symbol that suggests my rescue and protection. She is careful not to draw attention to herself and keeps her cape tails tucked in tightly. If I thought I held an understanding of her powers before, it was an inadvertent underestimation. When it has mattered most, she stood strong – for me.

Sarah is a creative marvel. She finds her happy, contentment, peace and confidence in creating, and it is more of a way of existence vs. hobby. We are cut from the same cloth.  

She is the inspiration for our project this week. While brainstorming a craft to share with her Girl Scout troop, she recalled salt dough. Growing up we played with salt dough and were gifted handmade Christmas ornaments shaped from it. She mixed up a batch and began to experiment with the pliable medium, her creative instinct driving her. Her beautiful daughters joined in the session resulting in treasures and tokens in various shapes and sizes: round coins with stamped patterns, plump hearts, and smooth coils.

She added layers of detail and sparkle with paint and polish.  What started out as a few inexpensive common household ingredients, became a unique treasure.

I was looking for the perfect little symbol to share with the girlfriends that I would be traveling with on a milestone adventure, of sorts. The trip was monumental for me, for many reasons, and it felt deserving of something ceremonial to mark the occasion. The connection was made and I decided on a salt dough stone.  (*more dedicated to that beautiful memory in the following days...)   

I invited Sarah and her girls over for a creative session with cousins. Each of the children had their own unique ideas, and the results gave light to their individual imaginations.

I’ll call this project: Treasure Tokens (insert: of appreciation, love, celebration…)


Flour (1 cup)
Salt  (1/2 cup)
Water (1/4-1/2 cup)

Impression Tools:
Rubber Stamps (with raised patterns)
Objects with interesting patterns (costume rings, Legos, buttons)
Toothpicks (create dot patterns)
Cookie Cutters
Cookie Sheet

Oven - 200-250 degrees for baking the dough creations

Acrylic paint / Spray Paint / Fingernail Polish
Small paintbrushes

In a small-to-medium mixing bowl, combine the three dough ingredients until a ball forms. Start with half the amount of water listed above, and slowly add more as needed. Your goal is a smooth ball of dough that doesn’t stick to your hands or working surface. If your dough is too sticky just add a little more flour until it's just right. 

Dust your work surface with flour to keep the dough from sticking. We found working directly on the cookie sheet to be a convenient method as well. When your dough is ready – dig into it! Your babes will love the way it feels in their hands. 

For coins (round tokens) pinch off a small chunk of dough and form it into a ball with your palms. Push or tap the ball down lightly and evenly to a desired thickness. Use different objects to make an impression in the dough. We used rubber stamps, a flower costume ring, toothpicks points, and Legos for interesting prints. If you want to design a pendant for a necklace, poke a hole in the top of your objects with a toothpick. Make it a bit larger than the cord you plan to use - the dough swells a bit while cooking. 

Lego man head = salt dough fail. Lego plate = salt dough win!

You can store your dough in the fridge for a few days if you have leftovers.

Place your dough treasures on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven (250 degrees – or 200 if your oven runs hot) for about 2 hours. You want the dough to completely dry out and harden to prevent future molding. If it's a bit spongy, it's not ready. 

When they are dry and cool it’s time for embellishment. Sarah discovered that the ticket to a really smooth surface is to sand the object with a fine/light sandpaper before painting. You will feel the bumps or cracks begin to smooth out. 

Next, I sprayed them with a light coat of primer paint, to seal them a bit, but it’s not absolutely necessary. Decorate them with acrylic paint or try fingernail polish in thin even layers – making sure you allow enough dry time in between. Finally, I sprayed them with a light coat of clear poly spray paint. This just gives it a glossy coat if your paints leave a matte finish. Again - NOT a necessary step. 

Adding detail is a great exercise in fine motor skills!

Iridescent paints add a beautiful sheen. I added that to the 3 tokens, pictured below, that I made for my trip. I'll be sharing a fun activity for loved ones that incorporates the tokens in  the next couple of days...

You can find a leather, satin, or suede cord at any discount or craft store if you wish to make a necklace. Yarn would work too! My little man designed a glossy emerald Green Lantern pendant.

"If love be treasure, we'll be wondrous rich."     --Thomas Otway

Thanks to Sarah for sharing such a fun project with us - Love You!


Visit J at 

*I'm J...a now-single mama of two, who hit a big bump in the road, navigating my way down an unexpected new path one day at a time. My babes are my light and my lens to see the best in everything. We play, we create, we explore, we laugh, we love. The laundry is a little backed up, and dinner may be less than impressive, but our hearts are full and we'll sleep well tonight. Grab your munchkins and join us for some fun...this is what we're up to today! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Am...

*Monday with J, guest post.

Call it the year of the affirmation. Affirmations may appear a bit cliche but they are important, and when the shtuff hits the fan...I think they just might work. 

We are told that if we make positive statements and repeat them often, we will eventually begin to believe them and the Universe will respond. Conversely, if we let the negative thoughts or statements take residence within us, we surrender and become a passenger in our own lives.     

I believe it's important to know yourself - who you are, what you believe in, and what you are proud of. I believe we are all born with individual gifts and qualities. Discovering what they are, and the ways that they make us important and unique, makes us more complete. I believe it's from this more complete place that we are able to spot paths in life that may otherwise be camouflaged to us. Hopefully these paths bring us happiness.  

Sounds simple, right? Not always. If you're like me, you may find it difficult to fill a list with your positive qualities. You almost don't feel right identifying and owning your gifts - your 'you'. 

The problem is, if we don't recognize and believe in what we have to offer, sometimes we allow the world to fill in the blanks for us...with ideas, thoughts, and labels that may keep us stuck, that hold us back from finding our Happy. It's a shame that as young children we start out openly believing in these precious traits, but over time we let some of our negative experiences strip us of these badges of honor. 

Peggy O'Mara contributed this nugget..."The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice," and I believe it. 100%. I think we can take it a step further too, by teaching our children to be in charge of their inner voices and steer them in a positive direction.

Join your babes in this project. People of all ages could stand to find a healthy, balanced, and modest confidence in themselves. Real confidence. 

I'll call this project: I Am Scrolls...


Paper (decorative sheets to fit your personality is fun)
Tacky Glue (Good. For. Everything.)
Markers, Crayons or Pencils

Start by penning ideas on a notepad. Dig deep...what makes you, You? What do you have to offer? I sat down with the kids and asked what they think makes them special, what their gifts from God are? They may need a few ideas to get started. Their answers are so honest and innocent. We took time to recognize each trait and talk through it together, really pointing out examples present in their lives and how it can positively impact others. Watch your babes glow while you celebrate them. Let them inspire you as you begin your own list!

It's ok if you don't yet fully believe in your list. We are works in progress. What do your biggest supporters see in you? Let that be a guide to push you to see it in yourself (I have certainly done so). 

Once your list is complete, transfer it to your final piece of scroll paper. We used decorative sheets to reflect our personalities. 

Cut two sticks about two inches longer than the width of your scroll. Lay them on the paper to find the way they sit best, then squeeze a thin line of tacky craft glue on the back side of the sticks (this glue really works the best - it remains a bit flexible when dry, allowing more movement). 

Position one stick at the top and one at the bottom to frame your scroll. 

We tied twine string to the ends of the top stick to create a hanger. That's it!

Hang your scroll somewhere prominent as a daily reminder of the things that make you, 'You'. Read them to yourself and to your kids often and watch the Universe respond. 

Roll it up and tuck it away in your keepsake box after a time. Glance at it again a year down the road. Perhaps you will have more to add...

"I Am. Two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality."

(this quote seems to be missing an 'owner' in order to offer proper credit)


 *I'm J...a now-single mama of two, who hit a big bump in the road, navigating my way down an unexpected new path one day at a time. My babes are my light and my lens to see the best in everything. We play, we create, we explore, we laugh, we love. The laundry is a little backed up, and dinner may be less than impressive, but our hearts are full and we'll sleep well tonight. Grab your munchkins and join us for some fun...this is what we're up to today! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rock Your World

*Monday with J, guest post

When we settled on a solution to disguise a large stubborn patch of dirt that refused to grow grass in the front of our house, we had no idea we were installing a playground as well. We decided on river cobble to cover the area. My little man was just two years old and wanted to be involved in everything - especially that beyond his years. We gave him his own tiny orange and blue Diego work gloves and a full-sized shovel, and he jumped right in beside us. It was hot and I was pregnant - neither of which would stop a determined mama with a project in mind, especially this mama. We had a truck full of rock and boulders for a border, and we began.   

That little 'solution' has provided hours of adventures and memories over the past few years. Sometimes the area is hot lava and the stepping-stones are your only chance at survival. If you should fall…sudden death. Other times it transforms into a sea full of hungry sharks. Again...slip? Goner. 

My little lady is a sucker for "cleck-tions" so she has spent many a whimsical moment in her own magical world searching for rocks that speak to her - that present a certain sparkle. We've spent time scrubbing the rocks, built worm houses with them, prepared gourmet dishes with them, filled puddles with them, and painted them. The Rocks Out Front are our inspiration for today... 

I'll call this project: Rock Your World

It's simply a spin-off of the traditional Pet Rock. 


Felt / Yarn
Google Eyes
Puff Balls, Feathers, Gems, etc. 
Craft Glue (Tacky works great)

Start by taking a walk outside with your babes to collect the rocks. This, in and of itself, is an adventure to be had. I find rocks fascinating. I collect rocks from every adventure I embark upon and find special places for these treasures, to preserve the memories that accompany them, in my landscaping at home. I have rocks from the North Shore, Florida, Mexico, The Bahamas, Hawaii (Nooo..did I? But the curse?!) Grand Marais, Nanni's ranch, my favorite cabin up get it. 

I have a growing Heart Shaped Rock collection in common with my sister and mom. I find one every time my babes and I head to our favorite hideaway for a nature hike. They practically jump out and trip me now. You will find them living in cozy little nooks on shelves and furniture all around my house. 

If you spend a moment reflecting - checking out a rock from all angles - they almost tell you just what they should be. You may see a head, a perfectly placed little crevice for a mouth, or a suitable shape for a body. What a wonderful exercise for a child's imagination! Pack a snack and pop a squat right down in them, brainstorming the type of 'pet' you'd like. 

I give the rocks a good scrub first, but I also have a lazy old dog and the rocks are riiiiiight out front. You never know. Let them dry for a bit in the sun or by a warm vent. You can choose to give your rocks a little sheen by spraying them with a clear poly - inexpensive and available at any hardware store paint department for a few bucks. Lightly coating the rocks captures their natural color a bit - the saturated tones that appear when the rocks are wet. This takes some time to dry so plan other words, kids are impatient and you may need to prep some ;)

From here let your imagination take the wheel...use felt scraps to create fins, yarn for hair, silk flower petals, beaks, anything to bring your ideas to life. Use a small amount of glue so that you don't have the extra squishing out all over. Hold the pieces in place for a brief moment to secure. You can make eyes from felt (see the Rock of Love below) or find google eyes in a variety of sizes at any craft store. I've decided google eyes never lose their humor. 

An easy way to make hair:
tie a knot in the center of a bunch of yarn.
Make fins two-sided and spread the bottom out a bit
to create a wider surface to adhere to the rock. 

Meet out friends...

If you find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place, make yourself a friend. 


 *I'm J...a now-single mama of two, who hit a big bump in the road, navigating my way down an unexpected new path one day at a time. My babes are my light and my lens to see the best in everything. We play, we create, we explore, we laugh, we love. The laundry is a little backed up, and dinner may be less than impressive, but our hearts are full and we'll sleep well tonight. Grab your munchkins and join us for some fun...this is what we're up to today!